Zetamex Network Terms of Service Agreement

1. General
1.1 The following terms and conditions apply to all business relationships between the Customer (hereafter referred to as “you”)and Zetamex Network, hereafter referred to as "us" or "our". The governing law is that which was valid when the contract was put into effect.

1.2 Dissenting, conflicting or additional customer terms and conditions, even if acknowledged, are not part of the contract unless their validity is expressly agreed upon.

1.3 The various top-level domains ("domain suffixes") are administered by a multitude of different, mostly national, organizations. Each of these organizations allocating domains has different terms and conditions for registration and administration of top-level domains, their respective sub-level domains and the procedures for domain disputes.

1.4 Zetamex Network attempts to keep this document relevant to all regulations and laws of its country of origin as well as internationally binding regulations and laws to the best of our abilities. Validity of all terms in this document is not relinquished when any terms in this document are in violation of laws or regulations.

This just clarifies this document a bit and tells you to check for any rules regarding the registration of Domains with us.

2. Conclusion of the contract
2.1 Our offers are subject to change. We reserve the right to make technical and other changes within reason.

2.2 We will confirm receipt of the customer's order immediately. The confirmation is not contractually binding until it is accepted by you. The confirmation and acceptance of the contract may be incorporated together.

2.3 We are entitled to accept the offer of a contract (the order) within a period of 5 working days after receipt.

2.4 We are also entitled to reject the order without reason including:
- reliability of the customer
- completeness and correctness of the customer data provided
- likelihood of on-time payment
- connections or affiliations with malicious or hazardous groups
- previous violations of these Terms of Service
- malicious acts against Zetamex Network or its customers
- viability, technical or otherwise

2.5 By signing up as customer you warrant that you are at least 18 years of age or older and that signup for service does not violate any laws, rules or regulations of your country of origin.

2.6 Unless otherwise agreed upon billing cycle occurs on the first day of each month. Invoices are generated before this date. Orders placed on different days may be altered to reflect the partial amount due from the day the order was received (prorata billing).

2.7 Some packages include a non-refundable setup fee not included in the billing cycle, which may or may not be outlined in all invoices.

2.8 Use of services rendered by Zetamex Network or its brands constitute agreement with the terms of service outlined in this document.

2.9 Requests for information not in the public scope, proprietary software or hardware of Zetamex Network may be rendered as consulting request and thus subject to consulting rates.

Basically says that like the world itself things keep changing and so are we and sometimes change happens on short notice.

3. Scope of services
3.1 As far as the subject of the contractual relationship is concerned regarding the registration of domain names, we conduct the procurement of the desired domain only. For the actual allocation of the domain name, you can only expect it if and when this is confirmed by us. We do not have any influence over the allocation of domain names. Any liability and warranty for the actual allocation of ordered domain names is therefore excluded.

3.2 We cannot guarantee network availability for the infrastructure providing service to you.

3.3 The services offered are those valid at the time of the order based on the offer information, the order form and the applicable monthly special offers.

3.4 If you wish to be registered with search engines (online search engines of Internet content), we are only responsible for mediation. The operators of the search engines are solely responsible for the date and time of the admission to the search engine.

3.5 You agree to, for the period of your contract, to not engage in direct competition to Zetamex Network unless written consent is given by Zetamex Network. Failing to notify Zetamex Network of potential competitive entities you own, run or manage will result in termination of contract.

3.6 Unless otherwise specified and agreed upon, Zetamex Network allocates certain resources to each customer and service based on fair usage. We reserve the right to charge any customer for additional resources used without prior notice.

3.7 We cannot guarantee that all arising issues with the service can be solved in a satisfactory manner. Some issues require the customer take own actions to mitigate or solve issues. Where applicable, Zetamex Network may refuse further investigations or attempts, if all available resources for solving an issue have been taken up.

3.8 You understand that Zetamex Network does not conduct any work outside of the contractually agreed upon areas. Any work done outside of the contractually agreed upon terms may be subject of additional fees.

3.9 Any estimates provided by Zetamex Network for contractual work, regular maintenance, unscheduled maintenance or other tasks are non-binding.

3.10 For the duration of the contract Zetamex Network may grant access to software and software licenses that are subject of their own Terms of Service.

3.11 Zetamex Network renders product support to its customers directly and may not honor requests from third-parties not directly associated with a customer.

We can try to register your desired domain, but if it is taken there is nothing we can. We also can't bend the laws of nature, so if a datacenter drowns or goes up in flames there is not much we can do about that, so we can't guarantee it either.

4. Data integrity
4.1 Where data is transmitted to us, it is your responsibility to back up your data regularly. The server will be backed up regularly by us when this is part of the offer. In any case of data loss, you must transfer the backed up data to us again free of charge.

4.2 You are obliged to carry out a complete data backup before any changes are made.

4.3 Unless otherwise specified Zetamex Network does not carry out backups of service-specific data. If you have purchased a backup plan backups are handled twice a day and at least one copy is kept in two separate physical locations. Unless otherwise specified backups are continuous and may not allow restoration of data from specific dates in time.

4.4 Deletion of service-specific data is final and no restoratory action will be undertaken if the deletion results in unwanted loss of data.

4.5 You will receive a user ID and password for security purposes. This must be kept confidential. You may be held liable for any malpractice resulting from the unauthorized use of the password. If you become aware that unauthorized third parties know the password, you must inform us without delay. If you are at fault for third-party password abuse, you will still be liable for all user fees and damages. In suspicious cases you may request a new password, which we will reissue.

4.6 Services or Software provided as "beta" cannot, by definition, be considered fault-free and as such should be used with caution. You are solely responsible for any data within, created by, transmitted through or extracted from such services or software.

We make regular backups of most things, but not all, unless that is specifically ordered. Please keep your login information in a safe place and without access by unauthorized third parties.

5. Data
5.1 Our data protection practice conforms to the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) as well as the German Teleservices Act (TMG).

5.2 Personal data of customers will only be collected and used if it is required for the creation, content arrangement or modification of the contractual relationship. You are obligated to update this data using your online administrator’s interface.

5.3 Your email address will only be used for information on orders, for invoices and (provided that you do not object) for customer care as well as for our newsletter.

5.4 We do not give any personal information to third parties, except our service partners as only as far as they are required to determine the remuneration and settlement with the customer.

5.5 You have the right to your information and a right to amend, to suspend or to delete your saved information. If deletion conflicts with a legal or contractual duty to save information, or other legal grounds, the information will be made inaccessible.

Per law we have to ask you for specific data to your person. Said law also says that we have to keep that data safe and not give it to just about anybody, unless legally forced. We only ask for the data that we absolutely need from you, no marketing BS and we don't use your data to make a profit.

6. Published Content
6.1 It is your responsibility to identify the Internet content as your own or as third-party content. Your (real) full name and address must be present. Further obligations may result from the provisions of the Telecommunications Act and Teleservices Act. You are obliged to understand these provisions and to comply with them.

6.2 You may not publish content that may violate the rights of third parties, or otherwise violate the law. The placement of erotic, pornographic, extremist material or material not deemed in good taste is not permitted. We are entitled to block access to the account of any customer who violates this. The same applies in the event that you publish content which is capable of violating the rights of individuals or groups of people, or that insults or denigrates these people. This applies even without an actual legal claim. We are not obligated to review our customers' content.

6.3 The sending of spam mail is forbidden. This includes in particular the sending of illegal, unsolicited advertising to third parties. With regards to the sending of Emails, it is forbidden to provide false sender information or to conceal the identity of the sender by other means. We are entitled to block the access if it is not respected.

6.4 Any content requiring specific labeling, notices or warnings for purposes of compliance with local or international law shall be labelled accordingly by the customer. The customer is solely responsible for the conformity of content labeling, notices or warnings of any and all content published on our systems.

We only provide a service and if you abuse that service or use it for purposes violation local or international law then we have to terminate your account.

7. Liability
7.1 For direct damages, secondary damages, misuse of provided software, hardware, interfaces or lost profits due to technical problems and disturbances within the Internet that are not in our sphere of influence, we assume no liability.

7.2 With regards to contractors, we are not liable for minor negligence of contractual obligations. This does not apply to all cases of personal injury and is in accordance with the product liability law. For indirect damages and loss of profits, we are liable only in cases of intentional or gross negligence. In this case we are liable only for the contract-typical predictable damage, a maximum of 100% of the annual fee.

7.3 If your web content is in violation of Section 6 of these Terms, particularly in violation of legal prohibitions or morality, you shall be liable to us for all of the resulting direct and indirect damages, including property damage. In addition, you will agree to indemnify us against all claims by third parties that may result from illegal internet content. The exemption obligation includes liability for all legal defense costs (e.g. court and attorneys' fees).

7.4 For non-reversible conversion, backup or relocation of data we assume no liability. You remain fully responsible for the integrity of the data provided for these processes.

7.5 Customers are solely responsible for the security of their accounts and shall use proper security protocols and standards including strong passwords for all logins. Customers are solely responsible for the actions of sub-accounts and elevated users and may be held liable for damages caused by sub-accounts or users.

7.6 Customers are solely responsible for any media/music broadcast via Streaming or Media Services/Servers. Zetamex Network is not liable for any breaches of license by the customer. Additional costs incurred by Zetamex Network due to breaches of license by the customer will be charged to the customer.

7.7 You are liable for any damages Zetamex Network may incur as a result of unlawful publishing of software or licenses granted for the duration of the contract including compensation for lost profits and legal fees.

If we can't control it then we may not be able to save it either. So please don't waste your lawyers time with it. Additionally, we cannot guarantee that removing any illegal or violative content can be done without any loss of data.

8. Terms of payment
8.1 Depending on the contractual agreement, a monthly, quarterly or annual account will be issued. Monthly payments are conducted solely by issuing an invoice.

8.2 We are entitled, without prior notification, to apply late fees on all overdue payments as indicated on the invoices.

8.3 We are also entitled, in case of default payments, to terminate the service agreement with you immediately and retain the right to leverage further account restrictions.

8.4 Invoices are sent by Email as attachments, upon request with a qualified signature. To receive invoices by ordinary post we are entitled to charge a reasonable service fee. For retrospective changes to invoices, which come about due to no fault of ours, we are entitled to charge a reasonable service fee.

8.5 Any chargebacks, disputed payments or other refunds requested and issued through our payment processors will result in service termination and negative reputation on your account. Cancellations must be handled through our billing system. Any applicable refunds will be issued upon request or automatically.

Even we have to buy our bread, if you can't pay on time let us know.

9. Contract duration/cancellation/termination/place of execution
9.1 Where not otherwise contractually agreed, the contracts are in place for an indefinite period of time.

9.2 The contract is cancellable without giving reasons by both parties at any time during a period of 30 days to the end of the month, but at the earliest on expiry of the minimum contract period stipulated in the contract. A cancellation can be done in writing by letter, email or via the secure online billing interface, provided this option is available.

9.3 The place of business for all services under this contract is Remscheid, Germany. Jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract is for the relevant local Remscheid court, if you are a contractor, a legal entity of public law, or public legal special fund. The same applies if you do not have general jurisdiction in Germany or when the domicile or habitual residence at the time of the action is not known. We are also entitled to take legal action in the country of residence of the customer (you).

9.4 If you intend to assign your contractual rights to another person, you must have our consent. Assignment of contractual rights can only be done in writing by letter, fax or via the secure online administrator’s interface, provided this option is available. When assignment is carried out by letter or fax, the previous and the new contract partners must both provide a signature.

9.5 Violations of any terms listed on this document, laws of the origin country of the customer or laws of the origin country of Zetamex Network will result in immediate termination of the contract without reimbursement or refund. Misconduct or threats made against us or our customers will also result in immediate termination of the contract.

9.6 Terminations are leveraged against individuals, any and all their accounts or other methods of access to our services. Zetamex Network will legally pursue individuals circumventing access restrictions leveraged against them to the fullest extent of the law.

9.7 Immediate cancellations may be entitled to a partial refund less any non-refundable setup fees or transaction fees. Refund requests must be submitted via the secure online billing interface.

Let us know beforehand when you want to cancel your service with us. Do not be surprised however, when we immediately suspend your account after you have breached this or any other agreement.

10. Rules for reseller
10.1 You, the reseller, are entitled to third-party contractual rights using the internet presence provided to you by us. In this case, you still remain the sole contractor. You are committed to all the terms and conditions of the contract as well as from our order forms. You must pass these terms and conditions to all third parties and oblige them to comply with them. This also applies to the requirements in section 1.3 of these terms and conditions.

10.2 When changes need to be made regarding the participation of third parties, you are obligated to cooperate. You must provide us with the third party's address and contact details on request. We are entitled, in the case of changes, to contact those third parties directly to demand their written agreement to those changes.

10.3 You are responsible for all third party contractual violations. You are financially liable to us for any and all damages resulting from a third party’s violations. In addition, we are exempt from liability for all claims which may arise from third parties and others.

If you resell through us it is still your responsibility to make sure whoever you have sold to is not in breach with this or any other agreement.

11. Cancellation terms
11.1 Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after fourteen days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Zetamex Network, Stormstr. 28 42897 Remscheid, Germany, Email: contact@zetamex.com) of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, Email or via the secure online administrations interface). To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

11.2 Consequences of withdrawal
If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us) without undue delay and in any event not later than fourteen days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise, in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of service during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.

Granted licenses to use of software specific to Zetamex Network and not will be revoked. You must comply with the removal of any software and licenses and refrain from publishing any of the software or its license.

11.3 Non-refundable fees
Transaction, setup and data-overuse fees are non-refundable fees and are not covered by your right of withdrawal.

Per law you can cancel your service with us in the first two weeks. We will refund you and delete all service relevant data. We cannot refund setup costs and, in accordance with the law, your personal information must remain on file.

12. Associated Organisations and Brands
12.1 Associations
We are not liable for breaches of conditions and terms of third-parties we associate and cooperate with. Any such associations must not be disclosed and, unless lawfully requested, disclosed with any third-parties.

12.2 Brands
Zetamex Network owned brands are bound by the terms and conditions outlined in this document. Additional terms and conditions may apply to specific brands.

12.3 Breach of contract across brands
Terminations from specific brands as a result of breaches of contract, the terms outlined in this document, breach of brand specific terms and conditions may result in termination of all contracts with Zetamex Network and its brands.

We can't control what others do and we don't need to tell you either. Getting thrown out by a brand of Zetamex Network may get you thrown out of all of them.

13. Queries, Complaints and Takedowns
13.1 Content Takedown
Content in violation of the terms in this agreement, local law, personal rights and copyrights should be addressed to the contact in the Imprint at the bottom of this page. Each request must contain any relevant material required for the determination of the validity of any claims made. Failure to provide material or submission of invalid claims may result in further legal steps taken by Zetamex Network or its customers/users.

13.2 Press inquiries
Inquiries for the purpose of publication must be labelled as such. Failure to disclose the intend of inquiries may result in legal steps taken.

13.3 Legal inquiries
Zetamex Network does not share any customer data with third parties unless complaints are substantially founded and/or have legal validity in the country of origin of the subject of the complaint. Legal inquiries from appropriate institutions and with proper jurisdiction are answered to the extend permissable with local law and privacy laws.

13.4 Takedown in obligation
We reserve the right to temporarily or indefinitely restrict or remove access to any content within our systems until any dispute over the content is resolved. Zetamex Network is not liable to provide compensation for the potential loss of revenue as a result from restrictions or removal of content.

If a court asks us to remove something or you can undoubtedly proof that someone took something from you we will remove such content. Liability is with the requestee or the violator, not us.

14. Privacy Policy
14.1 We may share your personal data with selected third parties, including business partners, suppliers and sub-contractors for the performance of any contract we enter into with them or you, and with trustworthy analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimization of our Platform. In the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, we may disclose your personal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets. We may also disclose or share your personal data if we are under a duty to do so (including in the case of Limited Users) in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our General Terms of Sale and other agreements; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Zetaworlds, Zetamex, our customers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purposes of fraud protection.

14.2 The data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland (“the Territory”), and in particular the United States. It may also be processed by staff operating outside the Territory who work for us or for one of our suppliers. Such staff may be engaged in, among other things, the fulfilment of your order, the processing of your payment details, and the provision of support services. By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. To the extent that any of your data is provided to third parties outside the EEA, or accessed by third parties from outside the EEA, we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place in accordance with the GDPR (such as the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses, or the EU/US Privacy Shield). We take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely, with adequate protections, and in accordance with this privacy policy. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. We will do our best to protect your personal data, meet our obligation to employ best practices, and avoid unnecessary storage or transfer of your data. However, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data transmitted to our Platform. We are not responsible for any damages which you, or others, may suffer as a result of the loss of confidentiality of such information, but may still be responsible for a breach of personal information, and potentially will be required to report this to the Information Commissioner's Office. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

14.3 Any personal data that you disclose directly to third party data processors (summarised below) are subject to such processor’s privacy policy. We take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely, with adequate protections when engaging processors on our behalf. Payment providers — We use payment providers to process your payment transactions. Cloud storage providers — We use cloud computing platforms that securely store all of our data, including customer details. Email service providers — In order to send you marketing content and transactional emails, we share your details with our email service providers. Social Media Platforms — We may make your name and email address available to companies in order to advertise and market our services to you through other platforms on the internet (e.g. Google+). See the ‘Marketing’ section of this Privacy Policy above. Analytics tools — We use analytics tools to understand the way that users interact with our website. We also collect, use and share aggregated and/or anonymised data (“Aggregated Data”) such as statistical or demographic data for any purpose. Aggregated Data may be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data in law as this data does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate your Usage Data to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific website feature. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Customer service platforms — When you interact with our Support team, your details are shared with our customer service platform providers.

14.4 We will only retain your information for as long as is necessary to fulfil our purposes, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting or reporting requirements. The criteria that we use to determine retention periods will be determined by the nature of the data and the purposes for which it is kept, the sensitivity of the data and the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure.

14.5 You have certain rights in relation to the personal data that we hold about you. Details of these rights and how to exercise them are set out below. Please note we will require evidence of your identity before we are able to respond to your request. Right of Access. You have the right at any time to ask us for a copy of the personal information that we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it. Where we have good reason, and if the GDPR permits, we reserve the right to decline such a request, or certain elements of the request. If we refuse your request or any element of it, we will provide you with our reasons for doing so. Right of Data Portability. In certain instances, you have a right to receive any personal information that we hold about you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. In such circumstances, you can ask us to transmit that information to you or directly to a third party organisation. While we are happy for such requests to be made, we are not able to guarantee technical compatibility with a third party organisation's systems. We are also unable to comply with requests that relate to personal information of others without their consent. You can exercise any of these rights at any time by contacting us using the details in the 'Contact’ section below. Right of Correction or Completion. If personal information we hold about you is not accurate or is out of date and requires amendment or correction, you have a right to have the data rectified or completed. This can usually be done by interacting with our platform. Right of Erasure. In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that personal information we hold about you is erased e.g. if the information is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed or our processing of the information is based on your consent and there are no other legal grounds on which we may process the information. Right to Object to or Restrict Processing. In certain circumstances, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal information e.g. if we are processing your information on the basis of our legitimate interests, but there are no compelling legitimate grounds for our processing which override your rights and interests. You may also have the right to restrict our use of your personal information, such as in circumstances where you have challenged the accuracy of the information and during the period where we are verifying its accuracy. Right to Withdraw Consent In the limited circumstances where you may have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your information for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time. This can usually be done by interacting with our platform. Alternatively, you can do this by contacting us using the details in the 'Contact' section below. Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your information for the purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, unless we have another legitimate basis for doing so in law. Complaints If you are unhappy about our use of your information, you can contact our data protection team or contact us using the details in the Contact section below.

14.6 You may give us information about yourself via forms on the Platform or by corresponding with us by phone, e-mail or otherwise. This includes information you provide when you register, visit or use the Platform, place an order on the Platform, or report a problem with the Platform. The information you give us may include your name, address, e-mail address and phone number, personal description, photograph, and which products you have purchased from us. In limited circumstances, you may provide us with your card or bank account details.

14.7 With regard to each of your visits to the Platform we may automatically collect the following information: — technical information, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet; your login information; browser or viewer type and version; time zone setting; session length; browser plug-in types and versions; hostname; operating system and platform and computer specifications;
— information about your visit and use of our Platform, including the use of certain features or content on our Platform; the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from our Platform (including date and time); products you viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of engagement with web pages or apps, page and software interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page and any phone number used to call our customer service number.
We collect this personal data by using Cookies, in-app analytics tools, server logs and other similar technologies.

14.8 We work closely with third parties — including, for example, business partners, sub-contractors in technical, payment and delivery services, advertising networks, analytics providers (such as Google Analytics ) search information providers, and credit reference agencies. We may receive information about you from such third parties.
We will use the information you give us:
— to improve customer service and help us respond to your support needs more effectively.
— to meet our obligations arising from any contract entered into between you and us and to provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us;
— to provide you with information about other goods and services we offer that are closely related to those that you have already purchased or enquired about;
— to provide you with information about goods or services we feel may interest you. If you are an existing customer, we will contact you by electronic means (e-mail) only to provide information about goods and services similar to those which were the subject of a previous sale or negotiations of a sale to you, and you will be given an option to unsubscribe with each communication. If you have not purchased a product, we will contact you by electronic means only if you have consented to this;
— to notify you about changes to our service and products;
— to provide you with learning and support content to help you make the most of your products;
— to ensure that content from our Platform is presented in the most appropriate manner for you and for your computer.

We will use the information we collect about you for the reasons above, and also:
— to understand how you use our services and products and further personalise your experience.
— to administer our Platform and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes;
— to allow you to participate in interactive features of our service, when you choose to do so;
— as part of our efforts to keep our Platform safe and secure;
— to measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you;
— to make suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of our Platform about goods or services that may interest you or them.
We may combine information we receive from other sources with information you give to us and information we collect about you. We will use this information and the combined information only for the purposes set out above (depending on the types of information we receive).

14.9 In accordance with GDPR, the main grounds that we rely upon in order to process your information are as follows:
— Necessary for entering into or performing a contract. In order to perform obligations which arise under any contract we have entered into with you, it will be necessary for us to process your information.
— Necessary for compliance with a legal obligation. We are subject to certain legal requirements which may require us to process your information. We may also be obliged by law to disclose your information to a regulatory body or law enforcement agency.
— Necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests. Either we or a third party will need to process your information for the purposes of our (or a third party’s) legitimate interests, provided that we have established that those interests are not contrary to your rights and freedoms, including your rights to privacy, and to have your information protected. Our legitimate interests include responding to requests and enquiries from you or a third party, optimising our website and user experience, informing you about our services, and ensuring that our operations are conducted in an appropriate and efficient manner.
— Consent. In all other circumstances, we will ask for your consent to process your information, or to communicate regularly with you.

14.10 In case you decide that you no longer want to give us permission to hold your data on our platform, please send an email to our support page so that we can remove your data (in which case you will no longer be able to use Our Platform). Our Platform may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies. We cannot accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.

In accordance with the GDPR and local German law we process your data to provide you service, inform you of changes and new products or as part of local law. We do not sell your data for profit and only share with the parties we absolutely have to. We care about the security of your data and make efforts to protect your privacy.

Zetamex Network
Vincent Sylvester
Stormstr. 28
42897 Remscheid

Germany: +49 2191-7899003
USA: +1 702-830-9694

Email: contact@zetamex.com

USt-Id Nr. DE 301276087

Last edit: 28.02.2025

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